Sunday, January 31, 2010


This is a fish that was originally a tattoo that I decided I would draw... It turned out great I think...

Water Lily

This is a water lily that I drew... It turned out ok... I decided that it looked better not shaded... I usually shade all my drawings, but this one I didn't.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Black Widow

This is a drawing that I was well pleased in doing.... I made the spider web more of a fantasy style... The reason for this is, because I wanted to portray the widow to be a female... They are a very interesting little creature... They kill the male spiders which is kinda evil, but they are strong and powerful as well... One single bite could kill a human... haha... So that's why I wanted to make an interesting piece of art out of the ideas in my head... I think it turned out well...

Just An Idea

This is a drawing that i thought would be perfect for a tattoo... The J is for my last name I was just experimenting with some ideas that I had...

Tree of the Dead

This is a pretty cool drawing that I did... it took quite a while to fill in the tree... But, I have to say... I was pretty happy with the outcome of it...

Friday, January 1, 2010

Flesh Eating Zombie

This is a zombie that I drew, He looks a little past going... This is a very Gothic approach to a drawing... Almost a little disturbing... I really liked how it turned out...

Under Quarantine

This is a drawing that I found to be interesting to me and I thought I would share it... In my mind the guy is wearing kinda like a gas mask... and looks to have been through alot and still going... no matter what